Contact our Immigration Law Firm in Atlanta, GA

Safeguard your right to seek residence in the United States by contacting the trusted legal team at Innocent Law, LLC today. Our immigration law firm in Atlanta, GA, has helped countless individuals handle situations regarding their legal status. From assisting clients with their visa applications to providing representation in deportation and asylum cases, our team stops at nothing to address your needs and concerns.

We have an English and Spanish-speaking immigration attorney who will discuss your matters in the language you are most comfortable with. This helps us to eliminate any potential for miscommunication and provide you with the legal assistance and protection you deserve.

Complete Representation

At our firm, we understand the difficulties of dealing with the immigration system. That is why we always strive to provide our clients with the complete representation that their case requires. Our attorney will always begin with a free case consultation to go over the specifics of your situation and lay out the options you have to proceed. Our team will then work closely with you throughout your proceedings, ensuring your fair treatment by the court as well as the protection of your rights. So whether you are faced with an immigration issue, or want to discuss the process for receiving a green card, trust our affordable immigration lawyer to provide you with the representation that you need.

Contact us when you are looking for an immigration attorney to help with your current legal situation. We proudly serve clients in Atlanta, GA, and the surrounding areas.

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Our Office Address 5725 Buford Highway, Suite 215
 Doraville GA 30340
Our Mailing Address PO Box 90
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Our Phone Number (678) 675-0395
Our Fax Number (877) 823-8052
Our Email Address
